Indoor Facilities

We created a child friendly environment that

Encourages & Stimulates

Every square inch of our Nursery has been crafted to allow all of the 2-5 years who come from across London to grow as individuals and develop their personalities.

We help them foster a sense of independence that all children need whilst being in a safe and encouraging environment.

If you would like to arrange a visit please get in touch.

The Children produce fantastic work and

Demonstrate tangible progression

Nearly all of the parents feel that their children have made remarkable progression since their children have been attending our Nursery.

Parental inclusion

We are co-educators

Children are absorbing information at all times that is why we are embarking on a new program to help parents and children learn together at home.

Providing children with additional resources to learn with at home and fostering a love for learning and teaching helps both the parents and children achieve more as their education progresses beyond a nursery setting.

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